
Misdirected: Part 2

The "Neo Believer" seems to be oblivious to the teachings of the Scriptures. Throughout past generations, the tendency has been to elasticize certain aspects of the Bible to fit a religion of self-gratification. We underline verses that would seem to edify the believer, while, at the same time, not being cognizant that the Scriptures that we have failed to emphasize are just as important. It is not a question of what God can do for me; rather, it is an attitude of what can I do to serve God. The Church seems to be more concerned with the physical healing than spiritual healing, prosperity rather than giving, devil rebuking rather than God praising, emotional exercises rather than "be still and know that I am God." We build our Assemblies upon feelings rather than on faith, competition rather than unification of the faithful. We are taught how to get our prayers answered instead of learning how to hear from God. The Church has become a socialized gathering rather than a holiness meeting. We change translations of the Bible so as to bring God down to our level, rather than realizing it is the Holy Spirit that opens our understanding.

We look and act as if Jesus is our brother rather than realizing He is our Lord. Our Sanctuaries lack respect and reverence. We fail to realize God is there in our midst when we gather to worship.

We lift up unholy hands to petition Him, rather than Holy hands to adore Him. The Church sugar coats sin rather than call it out. Believers tend to judge rather than forgive. Prayer chains become gossip lines. We dress like the world, rather than for the Lord. We think Sunday service is enough, rather than finding time every day to have communal worship. We expound the negative, instead of the positive. We complain instead of proclaim. We seem more interested in the Rapture than preparing for difficult days ahead. Believers want their needs met, rather than having to meet the needs of others.

It is time to realize that we have been saved to serve. We have received the Holy Spirit to empower us to reach out to a lost and dying world. God sent His Son to redeem us, and with that experience, Jesus became our Lord, and in turn, we became His servant. It is imperative that we unlearn adoptive theology and learn again the basics of our faith. It is only when we search the Scripture under the tutelage of the Holy Spirit that we will understand it is not "selfianity" but Christianity, Christ centered, not "I" centered faith.

Article Source: Paul W Hoffmaster

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