
Showing posts with label Learning. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Learning. Show all posts

Fascinating Rhythm for Preschool Language Learning

When Harvard Graduate School of Education professor, Jenny Thomson was asked for some ideas on how to help children with reading, her answer was for teachers to emphasize skills such as "syllable clapping and linking language and music." Like a happy preventative tonic for struggling readers, research indicates that these vital skills taught in early childhood can lay the groundwork for the subsequent steps of literacy acquisition.

Can simple rhythmic exercises in preschool really help a child improve learning skills?

According to Nina Kraus, a leading brain researcher at Northwestern University,
"music is a resource that tones the brain for auditory fitness." Early music training could be compared to a work-out for your brain, improving listening skills and listening ability.

Salary for Teaching English Abroad

Finding a job teaching English abroad is easy, and you don't even need to have any qualifications to apply. Depending on the country you choose to go to, you will be more likely to find a placement if you have a degree or a TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) or TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) qualification. Even if it isn't a requirement, being in possession of one of these qualifications is likely to earn you a higher salary, particularly as you will be able to teach the higher classes, such as those learning advanced or business English.

If you are looking to teach English in a European country, then it is more likely that you will need a TEFL qualification in order to secure a job. The main requirement, however, is that you are a native English speaker.

Ideas to Make Learning Much More Fun

In a world where our younger generations seem most excited about the newest and coolest computer games and electronic toys they could get their hands on, it's become increasingly hard to get children to focus on and develop an interest in learning. Innovation has never had a more important place in the classroom.

For teachers this means having to spend more time on activity preparation, and having to force themselves to be much more creative than in the past.

But how do you go about applying changes to your traditional teaching methods, and how do you even come up with new ideas?

Idea Exchanges

Skills You Should Insist Your Blind Child Learn in Their Elementary School Setting

1. Classroom organization skills are essential to your blind child's overall educational success. Instruction should include organization and orientation to the following: classroom and educational setting, group and individualized work areas, desk space, cubby, backpack, Braille materials and classroom/homework Braille folders. For more information on Classroom organizational skills, see my article titled: Teacher Tips on Developing Your Blind Student's Overall Classroom Organizational Skills, by Patricia M. Brown, M. Ed.

2. Teach your child how to advocate for transcribed educational print materials in Braille format. It is essential that the Braille teacher/itinerant teacher assure a continuous flow of classroom print materials transcribed into Braille format. Transcription of class print materials demonstrates equal access to educational materials. Keep in mind that appropriate instruction must be provided to the Braille transcriber (if other than a Braille teacher or certified transcriber) to assure that Literary and Math materials are being transcribed using appropriate code, formatting and rules that govern the Braille code.